From where we were staying it was possible to purcase tickets to Venice from the local newsagents. All tickets for public transport have to be bought in advance and punched in a machine once aboard the vehicle. This was a double which meant that we first took a bus ride to a port and from there sailed over Laguna Véneta to St Mark’s Square.

On setting foot at the edge of St Mark’s Square, Ian decided to buy a “Venice in a day” guide. His idea was to see as much of Venice as he could, however, after half an hour of stopping at every corner to study the map his patience was wearing thin as so the guide ended up in his pocket for the rest of the day!

Once away from the tourist trail he began to enjoy exploring the back streets away from the hustle and bustle of the tourist trail. Turning a corner we came across a small courtyard with a café and a group of musicians playing, then a man with a sack truck came into sight singing away. He had a very strong voice that echoed off the buildings and that is the thing I enjoyed best about the day.

We did manage to fight our way across the Rialto Bridge as this was one big tourist trap and we also saw the Bridge of Sighs that runs between the palace and prison.
Around St Mark’s Square things are very expensive but once away from the main trails, as with any city, prices become lower. We also declined a gondola ride as this worked out at £60 for an hour! However we saw what must have been a honeymooning couple complete with a singer and a musician in one. The man looked pleased as punch but I’m not too sure about his partner. Have a look at their photo and make up your own mind. Perhaps My Way in Italian was not a good choice of song.

All three of us agreed that Venice could not be seen in a day and that we would have to return soon.