Monday 7 March 2011

1st Monday Music Movie - Nottingham Ukulele Club

An easy choice for this month’s music movie. Ukuleles have had an upsurge in popularity in recent times; this may be helped by the ever increasing number of people discovering the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain.

On the 17th February, Nottingham had its annual Light Night. I will not go into too much detail as Guzzisue has posted about this and I have done so in the past a couple of times. Last year the Labour council seemed to put much of our Council Tax up in smoke, with firework displays over the castle and more street entertainers. This year seemed to be a much more subdued event, however that could have been down to the cold evening and my friends being a little tired from their respective employment.

In the Exchange Arcade, to the rear of the Council House, sheltered a little from the cold were Nottingham’s own ukulele musicians. This month’s movie is the Nottingham Ukulele Club playing Simon and Garfunkel’s ‘Sound of Silence’ and Prince’s ‘Kiss’.

1 comment:

Affer said...

That looks like a load of fun! Some years ago in Amsterdam, I found an accordion bar: loads of accordions lying around which the regulars picked up as they came in for a drink; by 22.00, a jam session of epic performance was underway!