The Triumph, or should that be BSA? Trail Blazer seen below was one of many British motorcycles to be seen in the parking area.

Honda were well represented in the parking area. Two machines that caught my eye were this very tidy CL450

This was obvious from first setting paw and foot into the show ground. Immediately on the left, in the Paddock Pavillion building was the Vincent HRD club. They sandwiched the Parade Ring, where during the day several owners were interviewed and their machines run, with the BSA Gold Star Club. It was an oversight on my behalf that I forgot to get any photographs of any of these machines.
Swiftly moving on, Ian and myself entered the Staffordshire Stand building. Just to the right of the doorway was a sad looking machine with its machine details card stating ‘This bike was saved from the skip, people ask why!!’

Occupying the area next to the Ariel was a small collection of GPO Motorcycles owned by John Lawrence.

Ian and myself spent a while chatting with John about his collection and also discovered he was once a messenger himself.
Ian and myself then continued to look around the other exhibits in the room, taking photos of one of the motorcycles in particular, more of which at the end of this post.
There were several trade stands immediately outside the Staffordshire Stand building that we perused before entering the Exhibition Hall. Once inside we glanced at several of the different owners’ club stands before noticing this pair.
This RE 5 we have met before at the Castle Donnington Show in 2008,

Next door in the Exhibition Marquee there was an interesting combination, the MZ Club next to the Kettle Club.

Crossing over the race course we entered the aptly named Centre Course Marquee. Inside was an assortment of VJMC sections’ stands manned by their members.
This particular machine had Ian reminiscing over the television series C.H.I.Ps that was produced between 1977-83.

Returning to the perimeter we had a look in the Railway Stand Marquee. Recently several clubs have opted to show a cutaway of an engine. I’m pleased to say that the CBX Riders (UK) Club have joined the ranks. This rotating display took a few attempts to get a reasonable picture.

One final thing that I must do is this:
Two posts ago I set a little task with this picture

The motorcycle is a

That is revealed HERE.
*An unsophisticated, uncultured and objectionable person.